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类型:其它剧  澳大利亚   2015-06-14

主演:奥利弗·杰森-科恩 莎拉·斯努克 Brendan Guerin

导演:Daina Reid


  《神秘的河》是2015年的一部其它剧。由Daina Reid执导,奥利弗·杰森-科恩、莎拉·斯努克、Brendan Guerin等联袂主演。神秘的河,又名The Secret River。William Thornhill, an illiterate Thames bargeman and a man of quick temper but deep feelings, steals a load of timber and is transported to New South Wales in 1806. Like many of the convicts, he's pardoned within a few years and settles on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. Perhaps the Governor grants him the land or perhaps he just takes it - the Hawkesbury is at the extreme edge of settlement at that time and normal rules don't apply. However he gets the land, it's prime riverfront acreage. It looks certain to make him rich. There's just one problem with that land: it's already owned. It's been part of the territory of the Darug people for perhaps forty thousand years. They haven't left fences or roads or houses, but they live on that land and use it, just as surely as Thornhill's planning to do. They aren't going to hand over their land without a fight. Spears may be primitive weapons, but settlers know that they can kill a man as surely as a ball of lead from a musket. As he realises all this, Thornhill faces an impossible choice. Some of his neighbours - Smasher Sullivan, Sagitty Birtles - regard the Darug as hardly human, savages with as little right to land as a dog. When the Darug object to being driven off, those settlers have no compunction in shooting or poisoning them. Other neighbours make a different choice, and find ways to co-exist with the Darug. Blackwood has made a family among them. Mrs Herring "gives them when they ask". Hostility between blacks and whites gradually escalates. Finally a group of settlers decides to go out and "settle" the Darug for once and for all. Will Thornhill join them? The decision he makes is with him for the rest of his life.


  DH00278 说:果然资本家的双手都沾满鲜血...弄个木棍往地上一放就圈地为牢天天自诩为文明人的殖民者怎么不上天呢?最让我反感的是还有人跟我说让非洲小孩子唱生日歌很有意义美其名曰做慈善?
  kinscar 说:重新定义了文明与野蛮,不管走到哪儿,人都是极为相似的。。。喜欢画面中透露着澳洲独有的原始感和神秘感,另外音乐做的也很用心。。。Oliver Jackson-Cohen还帅的我一塌糊涂。。。
  theObscure 说:不止可以看看丁仔模糊的裸体。镜头很美。和原著相比略过了Thronhill为酒贩划船的五年和为他岳父划船之前的经历不过大部分point还在,剧本麻麻的。


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