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类型:科幻片  美国   2019-11-20

主演:David Christian Lawrence Krauss Avi Loeb Andrew Siemion Ellen Stofan Michelle Thaller Dan Werthimer Douglas Rain



  《天外生命》是2019年的一部科幻片。由David Christian、Lawrence Krauss、Avi Loeb联合主演的电影天外生命,又名Life Beyond。LIFE BEYOND1: Alien life, deep time, and our place in cosmic history(2019)The biggest question of our time. Are we alone? Chapter 1 of this experience takes you to alien worlds and distant places in time and space, in search of where alien life might be hiding and what our place is within the history of life.After generations of wondering, the truth is finally within our rea...(展开全部)LIFE BEYOND1: Alien life, deep time, and our place in cosmic history(2019)The biggest question of our time. Are we alone? Chapter 1 of this experience takes you to alien worlds and distant places in time and space, in search of where alien life might be hiding and what our place is within the history of life.After generations of wondering, the truth is finally within our reach.New research and technologies have brought us closer than ever to an answer - only a few decades in the eyes of some NASA scientists.The search has led to new discoveries that will blow your mind wide open and give a profound new perspective on human life. The deeper we look, the deeper we see into nature's imagination, and the more we learn about ourselves.I hope stewing on these thoughts tickles your brain as deeply as it does mine.LIFE BEYOND 2: The Museum of Alien Life(2020)What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe?This experience takes you on a tour through the possible forms alien life might take, from the eerily familiar to the utterly exotic, ranging from the inside of the Earth to the most hostile corners of the universe.New research is upending our idea of life and where it could be hiding: not just on Earth-like planets, where beings could mimic what our planet has produced, but in far flung places like the hearts of dead stars and the rings of gas giant planets. Nowhere in the universe is off limits.Only when we know what else is out there will we truly know ourselves. This thought experiment will give us a glimpse into what could be out there, how we might find it, and just how far nature’s imagination might stretch.LIFE BEYOND 3: In Search of Giants.(2021)For 60 years now, we have probed the skies for signs of alien intelligence, longing for connection -- to no avail. But new ideas and technologies are beginning to change the game.Proudly presenting the third chapter in the Life Beyond trilogy: In Search of Giants.In this journey, we will see how far we’ve come in the search for intelligent life, how they might be communicating, just how advanced they might be, and what it would mean if we really did make contact.It might take thousands of years to make a discovery.But as long as the mystery endures, the search for giants will continue.It's in our blood to want to know.


  人艰不拆 说:从外星世界了解到这部纪录片。(90评)1、先看了《天外生命》第二章《外星生命博物馆》,38分钟。真的每一秒都那么美,音乐,画面。硬核很硬。科普很强。脑洞很大。看到结尾:我们已经知道了有什么,我们也已经知道了怎么去找,万事具备,只欠东风。我看完直呼好家伙的。这翻译太帅了。2、看完第一集30:00,第一集没那么惊艳,主要还是没有旁白,都是字幕,一直要看字幕。都来不及看画面了,画面也都是宇宙行星的画面,脑洞也没那么大,硬核知识倒是可以。相比较而言,我更喜欢第二章。3、在B站看的。缺点就是弹幕科学家太多了。以为看了几部科普片子很牛的样子,哈哈,我笑了。挺搞笑的。所以关弹幕是最好的选择。
  优游卒岁 说:对于天外生命的一些猜想,看时挺激动人心。如果地球上建生命博物馆,那么最少会有两个馆:一类是与我们可以想象到的,与我们有着相同元素的生命,那就是碳基生命。另一类则是硅基生命。即使同为碳基生命,与我们地球相似的仍是非常罕见。至于硅基生命,也许土卫六上就存在。除此之外,也许还会有更多生命形式,就看你如何定义生命。影片脑洞大开,却又是符合科学的猜想,只是拍得有些简陋,配乐有些喧宾夺主。
  菜豹 说:你知道世间最可怕的是什么吗?是时间的流逝。不管你此刻是开心也好,伤心也罢,只要时间足够久,你此刻情绪的起伏甚至你这段时间际遇的起伏在整个人生的时间线上来看都是一条平平无奇的线段,线段是有端点的,所有的一切都会结束,归于虚无。就连光污染夜空中最暗淡的那颗恒星一瞬的闪烁都要比任何人的一生更有意义,死亡是意识和个体的终结,是组成你肉体的物质重新踏上旅程的开始。


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