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类型:纪录片  英国   2014-02-21

主演:Simon Reeve 西蒙·里夫 亚当·华纳

导演:Adam Warner


  《和西蒙·里夫一起寻茶》是2014年的一部纪录片。由Adam Warner执导,Simon Reeve、西蒙·里夫、亚当·华纳等联袂主演。和西蒙·里夫一起寻茶,又名The Tea Trail with Simon Reeve、西蒙·里夫的茶叶之路。Adventurer and journalist Simon Reeve heads to east Africa to uncover the stories behind the nation's favourite drink. While we drink millions of cups of the stuff each day, how many of us know where our tea actually comes from? The surprising answer is that most of the leaves that go into our everyday teabags do not come from India or China but are bought from an auction in th...(展开全部)Adventurer and journalist Simon Reeve heads to east Africa to uncover the stories behind the nation's favourite drink. While we drink millions of cups of the stuff each day, how many of us know where our tea actually comes from? The surprising answer is that most of the leaves that go into our everyday teabags do not come from India or China but are bought from an auction in the coastal city of Mombasa in Kenya.From here, Simon follows the tea trail through the epic landscapes of Kenya and Uganda and meets some of the millions of people who pick, pack and transport our tea. Drinking tea with the everyone from Masai cattle herders to the descendants of the original white tea planters, Simon learns that the industry that supplies our everyday cuppa is not immune to the troubles of the continent - poverty, low wages and child labour.


  ofelia11 说:东非之国肯尼亚因为茶叶的种植和贸易而改变的人民,遇到的改变是所有发展中国家都免不了的困境:殖民历史、少数民族、劳工保护、性工作者的安全乃至童工的使用,这一系列的连锁问题不止是经济发展所要付出的代价。在忧虑的同时,有一群好心人和正义之士在默默付出,努力改善,这是让人觉得欣喜和安慰的地方。
  莫歌 说:依然是以茶叶为导火索,投射东非的被殖民历史、艾滋病猖獗、贫穷与童工现象。茶叶帮助当地人脱贫,继而成为唯一的救命稻草。人们不假思索投身于此,进一步加剧教育缺位。人无远虑,必有近忧,可连近忧都堪堪幸存的群体又谈何远虑?茶叶用微薄的希望把当地人囚禁在这片土地上,困于恶性循环的贫穷悖论。
  לִי 说:Simon的纪录片一看就不能停 Africa is completely another world... 当地传染病、召妓和童工将我对非洲的幻想衬托得幼稚又不堪一击。我们品一口茶,背后是一天摘12公斤茶叶却只赚1英镑不到,但除此之外只有卖淫一条生存手段的当地女性;然而她说,请不要可怜我们,买我们的茶叶,这比可怜我们更要紧... 太心碎了


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