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类型:纪录片  美国,中国大陆,中国香港   2017-03

主演:Yi Yeting

导演:Heather White


  《无名之状》是2017年的一部纪录片。由Heather White执导,Yi Yeting等联袂主演。无名之状,又名Complicit、Who Pays the Price。本片讲述了因工致病的小人物易叶挺,试图用一己之力,努力改变中国电子工业禁“苯”的故事。
导演、剪辑师、第二摄影师 Lynn Zhang:纪录片导演,毕业于纽约大学纪录片专业。Lynn曾先后供职于纽约时报北京分社、亚洲协会纽约总部以及西班牙加泰罗尼亚电视台北京分社。
导演、制片人 Heather White:学者,毕业于哈佛大学。关注全球供应链及劳工问题研究。
联合制片人、副剪辑师 Xin Liu:旅美纪录片人,毕业于纽约大学纪录片专业。参与创作的纪录片作品包括《虚你人生》、《Complicit》、《7%》、《爷爷天团》等。
编剧、剪辑指导 Christopher Seward:美国著名剪辑师、制片人。曾为著名导演麦克默尔的御用剪辑师,操刀《华氏911》、《医疗内幕》、《濒死病胖子的减肥之旅》等。
摄影师 孙绍光:中国知名纪录片摄影师,纪录片作品包括《归途列车》、《千锤百炼》、《殇城》等。
The documentary follows the intimate journey of Chinese migrant worker Yi Yeting, a benzene-poisoned victim-turned-activist who takes o n the global electronic industry. While struggling to survive his own work-induced leukemia, he brings his fight against benzene from his hospital room where he helps other workers, to Silicon Valley and the international stage. Yi's efforts along with the support of others, ultimately contributes to Apple banning two of the most toxic chemicals, benzene and n-hexane, in its final assembly. Against huge odds Yi directly confronts corporate and government interests, while empowering and inspiring the people around him. His wife Liu Huihui, a stay-at-home mom, goes undercover to investigate an Apple supplier. Xiao Ya, an teenager rural migrant, who arrives in the city with hopes and dreams of a working "paradise" that she's imagined since she was a kid. Tragically she gets poisoned on her first job by n-hexane, a solvent she used in polishing iPhone screens, at a hidden Apple subcontractor. Inspired by Yi, she starts to help other sick workers. Ming Kunpeng, another benzene-poisoned protagonist we meet through Yi, can't bear the burden his illness places on his family, and commits suicide. Shot under the radar and with incredible access, the film explores global brands' social responsibly and consumers' role, while offering an in-depth look into love, family, Chinese culture, and the people sacrificing everything to make a difference.


  薰衣草 说:职业病危害因素在我们国家生产企业确实普遍存在,看了电影,也能从职业病患者的角度看待这块问题,很多患者想获得保障太难了。建议能做点科普,有毒有害岗位政府要监督企业履行法律责任,所有企业要做好有毒有害岗位危害因素的检测,以及有毒有害岗位职工上岗前,在岗中,和离岗后企业必须给职工体检,这样才能真实反映大陆职业病危害的真实数据。不是打倒一个富士康可以解决。职业健康危害普遍存在,解决问题还是要企业履职,提供一个安全生产环境,真的有职业病后,也要做好职业病患者的治疗等工作。
  二月鸟语 说:很勇敢的作品,剪辑不错。农民工喜欢直接刚富士康,刚政府,得到的是一无所有。但如果你去刚苹果,看起来有点效果?但并没有探讨出这件事的本质以及对这件事给出一个很好的处理结果。探讨本质比如《虚你人生》,好的结果比如《那天,大海》、《尖端医疗真相》等。有点可惜,这部在这两个极端都没达到顶峰。总之是一部动人的电影,人性和善良...
  求蒸笼 说:看的是杭州的首映。想反应社会事件,可惜调查不够深入,没有足够的内容支撑。想反应个人,但时间线又不够清晰,人物性格又不够立体。那些新闻甚至别的纪录片直接的引鉴,更让人感觉片子本身素材的馈乏。观影结束后制片人的交流环节,我能听出刘欣其实自己也意识到这些问题了。加油吧!


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