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类型:纪录片  英国   2009-11-08

主演:维克多·崔 列昂尼德·伊里奇·勃列日涅夫 米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫

导演:leslie woodhead



  《披头士震撼克里姆林宫》是2009年的一部纪录片。由leslie woodhead执导,维克多·崔、列昂尼德·伊里奇·勃列日涅夫、米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫等联袂主演。披头士震撼克里姆林宫,又名How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin、披头士摇滚克里姆林。Documentary which tells the extraordinary unknown story of how the Beatles helped to destroy the USSR. In August 1962, director Leslie Woodhead made a two-minute film in Liverpool's Cavern Club with a raw and unrecorded group of rockers called the Beatles. He arranged their first live TV appearances on a local show in Manchester and watched as the Fab Four phenomenon swept the world. Twenty-five years later while making films in Russia, Woodhead became aware of how, even though they were never able to play in the Soviet Union, the Beatles' legend had soaked into the lives of a generation of kids. This film meets the Soviet Beatles generation and hears their stories about how the Fab Four changed their lives, including Putin's deputy premier Sergei Ivanov, who explains how the Beatles helped him learn English and showed him another life. The Soviet authorities were alarmed by the seditious potential of rock and roll, with the Beatles a special target and denounced as 'bugs' in official papers. Their smuggled records were destroyed and their music was banned, but the myth blossomed as bootlegs and photos were covertly traded and even rented amongst fans. Soon there were thousands of rock bands across the USSR, trying to make music with crude home-made guitars. Speakers on lampposts installed to broadcast propaganda were grabbed by rock hopefuls, while reports that an electric pickup could be cannibalised from a telephone led to phone boxes being raided and disabled. Millions of young people fell in love with the Beatles and the culture of the Cold War enemy, and defected emotionally from the Soviet system. The Beatles prepared the cultural way for the fall of the Berlin Wall and ultimately helped to wash away the foundations of that system.


  ScarlettLemon 说:苏联人的Beatles情结。看完觉得历史永远在重复自身,文化封锁、民族主义宣传这些伎俩太过熟悉,半个世纪后却仍在发挥着愚民的效用。幸而铁幕后那一代人有勇气,敢于在暗夜里传播自由的火种。那夹缝中生长出的Beatlemania可能会使西方世界最狂热的粉丝都惊讶,也正是这惊人的精神力量给予庞大的官僚机器以重击。You say you are Leninists? Well, we are Lennonists, and we have won! 最触动我的自然是圣彼得堡的那位大叔,将满腔心血投入他的"John Lennon Temple",梦想着Lennon有一日会划着小船到来。我鼻头一酸—真是个痴心人呐。但东欧人民至少在冷战后等来了Paul McCartney,我们的狂欢日又在何方呢?
  CoxieCoxon 说:《披头士摇滚克里姆林》,终于看了!伟大的乐队都能唤起人们心中一些极其私人的感情,让所有人都在初遇它时倾盖如故,都想将其占为己有。奇怪的是,这种感情很少会引起排他的仇恨或者攻击,即使这是自己心中一块不愿被人触碰的地方,乐迷们仍希望聚在一起,在致敬与再创造间让心灵深处相通。此时,话语不再重要了,彼此之间无需多言而意思全解。 刷anthology的时候就觉得这一切跟童话似的,结果这片采访里真的有粉丝这么说了,这种相隔万里遇知音的感觉有些神奇。
  sleepyhead 说:不愧是战斗民族。软软的黑胶,街头藏毒式的交易,拆了propaganda用的广播和电话接收器自制电音吉他…太猎奇了…以及感叹一下俄罗斯人民的艺术素养高到不知道哪里去了,美声唱法的let it be,俄罗斯大叔拿起一个空的汽油桶就拍起手鼓唱起歌来…以及我相信好的音乐是有魔法的。


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