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类型:其它剧  英国 UK   2017-08-20

主演:Levison Wood



  《从俄罗斯到伊朗:跨越狂野边境》是2017年的一部其它剧。由Levison Wood联合主演的电视剧从俄罗斯到伊朗:跨越狂野边境,又名From Russia to Iran:Crossing the Wild Frontier、徒步高加索。Explorer Levison Wood – famous for Walking the Nile, Walking the Himalayas and Walking the Americas – is taking on a new expedition in this four-part series: to cross the mighty Caucusus mountain range that lies between Russia and Iran. And as well as a new region of the world, Levison is taking a new approach to exploring: making his way by any means necessary. Travelling with the locals and living as they do, Levison's epic, 2,600-mile journey takes him through five countries, crossing the wild lands on the tense frontier between Europe and Asia and visiting some of the most fascinating and diverse people's on earth. Beginning in Southern Russia, Levison will track the mountains through increasingly dangerous terrain where Islamist fighters hide out in the hills, toward Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and into Iran: a highly secretive nation that's been virtually closed off to westerners for decades. Known as the 『lands in between', Levison will travel through these badlands that sit at the crossroads of two continents, and form a large part of the historic and mysterious Silk Route. Crossing snow-capped mountains, canyons and volcanic deserts, Levison will see some of the most spectacular but little-known landscapes on the planet. Trailed by secret police, and passing through forgotten war zones, he will meet an array of extraordinary characters, from gold-toothed wolf hunters and reclusive monks to mothers of ISIS fighters and an Iranian biker gang. As before, Lev films much of his expedition himself, capturing extraordinary, intimate moments rarely seen on screen - to deliver television's rawest and most authentic travel series.


  yihan1010 说:还记得第一次前往阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚和伊朗的经历,护照备注页上留下的阿塞拜疆手写签证,格鲁吉亚民宿大哥请大家在星空下喝着他家自酿的葡萄酒一起畅谈人生,因为被亚美尼亚拒绝给予签证而差点把外高加索拉黑;已经定好第二次再回外高加索的机票,然而因为工作上要去参加一个很重要的比赛而放弃旅行;伊朗人是我所有去过国度里对待外国人最热情的民族。帅小哥徒步加搭车环绕这片神秘而战乱的区域,那些美丽的风景和善良的本地人再次勾起了封存的记忆,后半程稍有些赶进度略遗憾,想再看看小哥的徒步喜马拉雅和尼罗河。★★★★☆
  Elárbol 说:「20190816」從南俄的北高加索西麓巴統出發,途徑車臣、印古什、達吉斯坦三個自治共和國,到外高加索的阿塞拜疆、格魯吉亞、亞美尼亞最後進入伊朗。五個嚮導,四千多公里,搭便車或者徒步,探險家為我們呈現了普通行者難以抵達的遠方深處或前線,高加索地區錯綜複雜的歷史宗教地理人文呈現出某種合理性。紀錄片拍的客觀,探險家也很克制,是有一些人以你無法想像的方式生活著。在個人層面上,這些地區的人民都熱情好客,卻都因為地緣政治的關係相聚為敵受盡苦頭。紀錄片的缺憾是後面幾個國家拍的太快太短,不太全面⋯
  三戒 说:这条路线很厉害啊,就是片子剪辑的太精简了。1,苏联解体对当地人生活的影响,很多在苏联时代都是重要城市的地方,现在都是荒芜破败一片;2.丝绸之路对亚欧城市的作用,一些古城都是丝绸之路的重要节点;3.油气开发对高加索地区的经济贡献,像阿塞拜疆的巴库等现代化的城市都是拜油气开发所赐,真是真主保佑的宝地啊,但是今后就不好说了。


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