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类型:纪录片  美国   1998-02-11

主演:伍迪·艾伦 宋宜·普列文



  《野人蓝调》是1998年的一部纪录片。由芭芭拉·卡颇执导,伍迪·艾伦、宋宜·普列文等联袂主演。野人蓝调,又名Wild Man Blues、狂人蓝调。In 1996, with his public image at a low ebb after a messy breakup with Mia Farrow, clarinetist and filmmaker Woody Allen set off on a tour of Europe with his New Orleans jazz band. Accompanying him were his sister, his soon-to-be wife Soon-Yi Previn, and Oscar-winning documentary maker Barbara Kopple. Like Allen says as the beginning of the tour, "Theoretically, this should be fun for us." Woody Allen has always been more widely appreciated in Europe than in the U.S., so it's no surprise that the concerts quickly provoke the kind of fan hysteria usually reserved for rock stars. This star however is clearly not comfortable with his fame. Whether he's giving a tour of his lavish hotel suite or prodding at an unexpectedly dry omelet, the director seems profoundly ill at ease and sometimes--when trapped by a crowd or harassed by a particularly persistent photographer--he appears to be both frightened and angry at the way celebrity shapes his life. The pressure to be funny on cue is the bane of any comedian's life, of course, and for Allen the seemingly endless round of receptions and parties is something to be endured, not enjoyed. In the face of this, the mutual support and affection shared by Allen and the woman he introduces as "the notorious Soon-Yi Previn" comes across as both genuine and absolutely necessary. When they are together, he is at his funniest, and his least guarded. What persuaded such a private artist to allow such a documentary to be made? Perhaps it was a desire to celebrate his love of music, something that appears to sustain him as much as his relationship with Soon-Yi. He may refuse to bob his head and tap his feet to please his audience, but when he launches into a soaring solo we finally see Allen at ease, transported by the thrill of playing jazz. --Simon Leake


  kylegun 说:狗的口腔卫生比人类要好,最大力气吹出最小声的独奏,酒店侍应生很可能是连环杀手再就业,停电汇演换来消防奖章,对社交派对比对演出更感兴趣的势利名流,在欧洲想念纽约在纽约想念欧洲“生活在别处”症候群,交往亚洲女友正是犹太人会灭绝的理由……伍迪艾伦即时评说音轨的夸张荒诞名人效应,比想象中厉害的新奥尔良爵士欧洲巡演,还有亲生父母对混蛋儿子的评价,当然少不了和宋宜的秀秀恩爱;放到现在,不单他本人的争议,连他这个乐队本身都容易被骂成政治错误的文化挪用了吧?: )
  皮革业 说:1996年,Woody Allen和乐队的欧洲巡演纪录片。除了上台演出,有超过一半的内容是他和宋宜、妹妹、父母相处,以及如何应付各种社交、狗仔,有种Woody Allen扮演Woody Allen的错觉,比他不少剧情片还要好看。查了一下维基,跟他合作多年的班卓琴手兼乐队领队Eddy Davis已于一年前因感染新冠病逝。加上今年Allen v. Farrow引发的新一轮讨伐,感觉Woody Allen就此销声匿迹的可能性越来越大了……
  若汐 说:不知片名为何用“Wild”形容Woody。纪录片里的他和他在电影里自嘲的自己一般,是一个挑剔脆弱神经质自我中心并怕死的室内类型小老头。纪录片拍摄了他和家人欧洲音乐演出之行,被幼妻和妹妹呵护、被粉丝媒体哄抬的生活,他显示其受名声之累。影片帮助窥视名人在镜头下的私生活和其在公众媒体前的表演。


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