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类型:纪录片  美国   2015-01-27

主演:Michael Murphy

导演:Michelle Ferrari


  《美国印象:爱迪生》是2015年的一部纪录片。由Michelle Ferrari执导,Michael Murphy等联袂主演。美国印象:爱迪生,又名PBS American Experience-Edison。By the time he died in 1931, Thomas Alva Edison was one of the most famous men in the world. The holder of more patents than any other inventor in history, Edison had achieved glory as the genius behind such revolutionary inventions as sound recording, motion pictures, and electric light. Born on the threshold of America's burgeoning industrial empire, Edison's curiosity led him to its cutting edge. With just three months of formal schooling, he took on one seemingly impossible technical challenge after another, and through intuition, persistence, and a unique team approach to innovation, invariably solved it. Driven and intensely competitive, Edison was often neglectful in his private life and could be ruthless in business. Challenged by competition in the industry he'd founded, Edison launched an ugly propaganda campaign against his rivals, and used his credibility as an electrical expert to help ensure that high-voltage electrocution became a form of capital punishment. Edison explores the complex alchemy that accounts for the enduring celebrity of America's most famous inventor, offering new perspectives on the man and his milieu, and illuminating not only the true nature of invention, but its role in turn-of-the-century America's rush into the future.


  下河迷人羊果朗 说:自学成才的天才碾压文化人 发明家之魂 极度好胜,极度自负 发明新模式,现代创新 万花筒般的心灵,在不同方向折射光线,但如终在同一框架内 会讲故事 工作是他的一切 胜任多层面综合性工作 和别人平起平坐,不可能的 做自己的独裁者 最后安享名人生活
  hamill 说:影片结束以后不自觉地看了一眼旁边的台灯。。爱迪生之后夜晚不再一样。。






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