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类型:纪录片  英国   2021-08-18

主演:Dennis Nilsen

导演:Michael Harte


  《杀人回忆录:尼尔森的自白》是2021年的一部纪录片。由Michael Harte执导,Dennis Nilsen等联袂主演。杀人回忆录:尼尔森的自白,又名Memories of a Murderer:The Nilsen Tapes、杀人回忆录:尼尔森的自白 Memories of a Murderer:The Nilsen Tapes2021。Britain’s most notorious serial killer, Dennis Nilsen, confessed to killing 15 people in 1983. Over a five-year period, he picked up vulnerable young men, lured them back to his home and strangled them, before disposing of their bodies under the floorboards. The truth about how and why he killed has been the subject of much speculation in books and documentaries over the decades since. Now, with unique access to a wealth of personal archive left in his cell after his death, including over 250 hours of never-before-published cassette tapes of his private recordings, this film will take us into Nilsen’s world. From a young boy growing up in a quiet Scottish fishing village to a cold-blooded murderer prowling the streets of London. Set against the backdrop of 1980s Britain, when mass unemployment drew young men to London in search of their fortunes, only to find themselves destitute and easy prey, and weaving together interviews from police, journalists, survivors, bereaved families, and - for the first time - the killer’s own voice, this feature length documentary explores how Nilsen was able to get away with multiple murders and attacks, unchallenged, for five years.


  简丹 说:让我想起了《燃烧》和《斯图尔特倒带人生》。尼尔森专找那些落魄的,孤独的,边缘的,消失了都不会有人在意的年轻人下手。他很直率的说出了自己的所有罪行,并且冷静轻松,还想要出自传,录音记录自己的事情。回归到他的家庭,父亲几乎是缺席的,母亲据他说对他很冷漠,唯一对他好的人是他的祖父,走到哪都带着他,然而他祖父是恋童癖。五岁那年他的祖父去世了,他似乎开始把爱情和死亡融为一体了。九岁时发现自己是同性恋,但人们不接受同性恋,他意识到要为这遗传来的人格背负骂名甚至惩罚。那些被害人的家属都没有报警,侥幸逃脱的人中有5个去报了警,警察却不当回事。如果不是尸体堵住了下水管道,影响了居民的生活,也许尼尔森还会杀好几年人。是太多方面的太长久的太大的恶促成了这起骇人听闻的连环杀人案。
  Friederika 说:连环杀手的录音素材内容往往充满了本人的自我吹嘘和狂热想象,如何展示人性但又不给予他们宣扬理念的平台,中间的尺度很难把握。我也没想好怎么拍,也许直接播放录音并加上科学家的注解?这部纪录片的直观感觉是点多面广、主题松散,录音主要发挥串起案件始末的作用,有些浪费素材。最让人难忘的是受害者采访,他们的口述内容比尼尔森的“自白”要丰富得多,如果能进一步展开讨论,整部片子的主题会更清晰、所传达的内容会更加有力量,而不再仅仅是一个杀手的苍白陈述。
  JUNWK1334 说:不了解这个案子光看纪录片可能会觉得有点稀碎,了解点背景再来看的话会觉得哦整得还挺诗意的,不愧是王尔德的同乡(?)。死了十几二十个男孩子,邻居在意的就只有这个杀人犯把尸体埋在公共区域里!花园都臭了!死者之一的妻子反反复复地说你们媒体一口咬定死者都是同性恋真是胡说八道不负责任!尼尔森的母亲则说都是他身边人的错,他心理出了问题你们这些人为什么没发现,如果我在的话我肯定会知道,然而这个母亲不知道儿子是同性恋。都还挺悲哀的。






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