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驾车看中国 第一季7.4

类型:其它剧  英国   2012-09-09

主演:Anita Rani Justin Rowlatt



  《驾车看中国 第一季》是2012年的一部其它剧。由Anita Rani、Justin Rowlatt联合主演的电视剧驾车看中国 第一季,又名China on Four Wheels。Anita Rani and Justin Rowlatt embark on two epic car journeys across China, navigating congested cities and winding mountain roads, to explore how the country's economic growth, symbolised by its booming car industry, is affecting people's lives. In the first programme, Anita takes the high road through the rich, industrialised cities of the east, driving a Great Wall Haval, the best-selling 4X4 in China. This is the land of billionaires with fleets of super cars, of imitation French chateaux and of high-tech solar hotels. She cruises Beijing with the moneyed young members of the China Supercar club and joins a convoy of 'self-drive' holiday makers on a trip to sacred Mount Tai. Meanwhile, Justin drives a 'bread van', the loaf-shaped workhorse of the countryside, through China's poor rural hinterland, and discovers that here donkeys are often more common than cars. He visits the 'ghost city' of Ordos and puts his bread van through its paces on China's second-biggest racing track. He joins the Red Tourism trail in Yan'an, the cradle of Mao's communist revolution, and finds himself in the firing line during a dramatic civil war battle re-enactment. On the first leg of their journey, Anita and Justin discover a country that has developed rapidly, raising millions out of poverty. Yet it faces important challenges that may affect us all: a potential property bubble, increasing greenhouse gas emissions and growing inequality.


  你的益达 说:中国用几十年时间追赶上西方文明?只是没有精髓的设施机器堆砌下的图景,光鲜的外表一旦遇上持续下滑的颓势,生活在太平盛世的人们是没有理性的出路的。总的来讲,这两位活宝对中国已经足够友善,谁叫你中国总是喜欢共产主义侵犯市场侵犯人权侵犯自由侵犯民主。20年后回来,希望这是个更私有化的国家。
  skysix 说:刚刚驾车游完印度,我会很奇怪男主持为何还在怀疑毛对中国得意义,在印度就已经看到左翼政党是最受民众欢迎得,为什么因为极度得阶级与不平等下社会革命才是亟待所需得而不是经济改革,毛使得中国90%得文盲会读会写,女男平等,平均地权,建立了新中国自己得基础工业,而这一切都正是今天腾飞得基础。
  Fujia 说:豆瓣上居然这个都有。非常cheesy的节目,带着已定视角”中国贫富悬殊“去走田野,一些情节明显带有设计痕迹,对镜头记录的现象没有任何有深度的挖掘,所谈观点完全是大众常识。主持人水平不高,对中国文化与现状没有了解,有时言行甚至可称上是粗鲁。只适合给完全不了解中国的英国观众发点忧天下的感慨


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