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类型:剧情片  英国   2009-02-26

主演:Lindsay Duncan Ian McDiarmid James Fox Philip Jackson Oliver Cotton



  《撒切尔夫人》是2009年的一部剧情片。由詹姆斯·肯特执导,Lindsay Duncan、Ian McDiarmid、James Fox等联袂主演。撒切尔夫人,又名Margaret。It’s November 1990 and Britain’s longest serving Prime Minster for more than 150 years is about to announce her resignation after almost 11 years in office. She has just been forced to face another ballot for the position of Conservative leader (illustrated here by an amusing bit of footage featuring John Sergeant) and her party ally Geoffrey Howe has just stepped down due to her European policy. And so marks the political downfall of Maggie Thatcher, played by multi-BAFTA nominated actress Lindsay Duncan who starred as Servilia in the HBO/BBC series Rome, the subject of this TV film entitled Margaret which tells the story a woman who simply couldn’t keep up the fight after her time as British Prime Minister. Thatcher – A Hate Figure or Political Revolutionary? The name Margaret Thatcher drums up many images and polarised opinions. She is someone who was famous for her tough-talking persona (earning her the nickname the ‘Iron Lady’), her staunch approach to the trade unions, the introduction of the poll tax (and successive riots) and the 1982 Falklands War, all of which made her a hate figure amongst the politically active left-wing but viewed as a strong leader by her supporters. This film is an intimate portrayal of a woman on the brink of ruin; a human story about Maggie behind the public persona as she loses her grip on the power she had strived to achieve. In her last days the Cabinet tell her that she must go before she is "humiliated" and she is being challenged by her long time rival Michael Heseltine. The story is also complemented by flashes to 15 years previously showing Maggie challenging the then Conservative leader Ted Heath and how she rose through the ranks of the Tory party. “A drama not a documentary” – says Margaret Writer Richard Cottan It’s not the first time Thatcher has been documented on screen either through real-life footage or in fictional accounts but it’s one that is bound to confront your perception on the person it portrays. The toughest task however must be trying to make even the most hardened anti-Thatcherite feel any sympathy for her. Screenwriter Richard Cottan said: “What I was trying to do was to take the downfall as the narrative spine of a more personal story. When writing the script the biggest challenge was deciding what to leave out. I'm sure there will be much debate about the blurring between fact and fiction but I consider this to be a drama not a documentary.” An Impressive Supporting Cast for Margaret The producers have managed to attract an exciting array of veteran actors to portray her closest allies and advisors including Ian McDiarmid (Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars films) as Thatcher's husband Denis, Robert Hardy (All Creatures Great And Small) as her trusted second-in-command Willie Whitelaw, Philip Jackson (Poirot) as no-nonsense press secretary Bernard Ingham and Kevin McNally (Pirates Of The Caribbean and recently ITV’s Demons) as Kenneth Clarke. The supporting cast also lists John Sessions as Geoffrey Howe, Michael Maloney (Notes On A Scandal) taking the role as Thatcher's successor John Major, Roy Marsden (The Palace) as Norman Tebbit, Casualty’s Nigel Le Vaillant as former Conservative Prime Minster Ted Heath and an appearance by the Queen played by Rosemary Leach. Whether or not the content of Margaret and the human side of Thatcher will appeal to most people the prospect of seeing such an impressive display of talent on one screen is too tempting to miss. Regardless of your personal opinions on the Thatcher government and despite being vilified by numerous comedians (namely Ben Elton) and countless rock bands over the decades she still remains as one of the most important political figures in British history and the reason why she is still the topic of TV shows almost 20 years later.


  楚天阔 说:影响一生的几部电影之一,印象最深是撒切尔收到牛津还是剑桥的录取通知书,眼神坚定,脸颊颤抖。 考研剩下四个月的那个暑假,复习进度几乎为0,浑浑噩噩焦虑自愁,深夜看完了这部电影,之后的复习再怎么累总会想起这个片段,激励我坚持了下去。 在考研分数公布返校的那个寒假,我坐在大巴车上,莫名其妙地哭了,想起那些在历史中奋斗成功的人生,人生太奇妙了,没想到自己三跨考研成绩会那么好!
  边草 说:玛格丽特·撒切尔是个了不起的女性。影片从年轻和年老两条线交叉叙述了撒切尔夫人的一生,选取了她的一些高光时刻和至暗时刻,演员很有气质,也很有表现力,撒切尔因为冷战结束访问法国在酒会上的那个眼神我觉得全篇最佳。但整体上看这部影片节奏比较缓慢,而且两条线一直穿插,就会有点碎片化,关于英国政局、关于撒切尔采取的措施的介绍感觉也不够多,就感觉是演员撑住了这个形象。
  清心物语 说:“他们不知道,当你做出艰难决定的时候,人们会恨你一时,但他们会感激你几辈子”这个强硬的铁娘子,在年轻的时候就对政治感兴趣,为此而付出不懈的努力。她坚信自己所做的都是为国家、为人民,她不在话周围人的反对和人民的暂时不理解。当下台时,她感慨的说“至少这个国家在我下台时比上台时要好”


撒切尔夫人 剧照1





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