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类型:其它片  美国   2015-01-23

主演:Jonny Donahoe



  《每一件美好的小事》是2015年的一部其它片。由兰迪·巴巴托执导,Jonny Donahoe等联袂主演。每一件美好的小事,又名Every Brilliant Thing。Every Brilliant Thing strikes a delicate balance between sobering loss and cathartic laughter. Adapting the hit off-Broadway one-character show of the same name written by Duncan Macmillan and starring British comedian Jonny Donahoe, the film recounts a life lived in the shadow of suicide. Emmy winners Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato (HBO’s Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures and Wishful Drinking) produce and direct the heart-wrenching yet humorous presentation about depression and the lengths we will go to for those we love. In this acclaimed show, a young boy attempts to cure his mother’s depression by creating a list of the best things in the world. The list grows as he progresses from childhood (“Ice Cream”) and adolescence (“Star Trek”), to college (“Surprises”) and marriage (“Falling in Love”). But when life deals a bitter blow, the list proves to be helpful to the son in ways that it could never be for the mother. Filmed in 2015 at New York City’s Barrow Theatre, Every Brilliant Thing opens as Donahoe greets the arriving audience with hand-written notes instructing them to participate when called upon. He then proceeds to tell a story spanning nearly three decades and several life-changing events, starting with a young boy’s eye-opening first brush with death (his childhood dog), evoking laughter and tears in equal measure. Donahoe charms spectators into acting opposite him in various roles -- a veterinarian, his father, his college lecturer, his fiancée -- fostering an intimate sense of community through comic dialogues. First produced by Paines Plough and Pentabus Theatre Company, the stage production was performed at the 2013 Ludlow Fringe Festival in Great Britain, moving to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2014. Its NYC run at the Barrow Theatre ended in March 2015. Star Jonny Donahoe received a Drama Desk Award nomination for his performance, and both he and writer Duncan Macmillan received Lucille Lortel Award nominations. Macmillan’s latest play is the Olivier Award-nominated People, Places and Things on the West End. Executive producer Jean Doumanian produced or executive produced seven Woody Allen films, including Bullets over Broadway and Sweet and Lowdown. Her other credits include the feature film August: Osage County and several Broadway productions, including August: Osage County and The Mountaintop. Additional feature films include UNA and Galveston. Every Brilliant Thing is produced and directed by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato; executive produced by Jean Doumanian and Patrick Daly; written by Duncan Macmillan with Jonny Donahoe; edited by Jason Blum; music composed by David Benjamin Steinberg. For HBO: executive producer, Sheila Nevins; supervising producer, Lisa Heller.


  擐宁 说:在一个不知道要做什么事情的周三下午无意间在电视上瞟到了这部作品,刚开始以为是电影,看到封面的时候我还以为是《谁动了我的奶酪》改编成的影视,都是黄黄的,但开头那几段话让我明白了这是说自杀和抑郁症的,或者是我刚好就点开了这部作品。 它不会让你痛哭也不会让你笑到失声,总是让我在难过和喜悦之间不断切换直到感受到自己对温暖的渴望,我喜欢它,我也在某一瞬间突然特别也想听一次这样的现场,像是演讲,或者像是演戏,带着自己的故事去听一次别人的故事,去感受灵魂的碰撞与爱的美好。
  烤雪 说:第一次看全程体验式的戏剧录像,很喜欢这种纵横环绕的、沉浸式的观众席布置。剧本从美好的小事出发,笑中含泪地讲述抑郁症患者的绝望——发现美好的小事,既是自我疗愈,又是(对于母亲那样的患者)不可能完成的事。表演则打破传统镜框式戏剧的幻觉,在小剧场中让观众一起参与并完成一部戏,这大概就是现代戏剧的魅力之一。
  Herring 说:Love it so much. 是给每一个曾经经历过悲伤的人,从七岁,一直到成年:冰激凌,黄色,唱片,可以熬夜看电视……看日落,和喜欢的人一起醒来,找到一个听得懂话的理发师……这些美好的琐碎是我们抵抗悲伤最有力的武器。我从不积极,但这些真的是我为之活着的理由。





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