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Stro:The Michael DAsaro Story

类型:纪录片  美国   2020-10-14

主演:Bob Bailey Robert Blum Vincent Bradford Peter Burchard

导演:Doug Nichols


  《Stro:The Michael DAsaro Story》是2020年的一部纪录片。由Doug Nichols执导,Bob Bailey、Robert Blum、Vincent Bradford等联袂主演。Stro:The Michael DAsaro Story,又名Stro:The Michael D'Asaro Story。入围2020年华沙电影节纪录片竞赛 Michael D’Asaro was one of the best coaches in the history of American fencing. He was inducted into the United States Fencing Association Hall of Fame for taking the sport to an extremely high level. He was a genius and artist in all three weapons: sabre, épée and foil, and an original and unpredictable person. His words “sports saved my life” were not just an empty phrase. He learned to be smart and fearless in the dangerous streets of Brooklyn. He experimented with drugs in the hippie 1960s. His long hair caused problems getting on the national team. He was strong-minded. When he became a coach, his personality and charisma drew many new athletes to the sport. A fascinating documentary built from dozens of interviews with famous athletes, friends and colleagues of D’Asaro. They are bound together by the directors’ emotional connection: they both took lessons from the master fencer.



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